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The Disciples Church


The Disciples Church
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the first and largest Protestant Church to be founded in the United States. From its beginning in early 1800’s in the frontier areas of Kentucky and Ohio, it has grown into an international denomination committed to unity within the Body of Christ. It cooperates fully in ecumenical and inter-faith activities from the local to global level.

The things that together identify the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) include these:

  • The weekly observance of the Lord's Supper
  • Believer's baptism by immersion
  • Open membership
  • An attitude of tolerance and a rejection of creeds as tests of faith
  • The importance of scripture
  • Congregational yet voluntarily connectional
  • The inclusion of the leadership of women
  • An emphasis on lay leadership
  • An educated clergy
  • A priority on ecumenical life
In Indiana, local congregations are clustered into fourteen areas (for example, Area XI covers Indianapolis), which form our Region, called the Christian Church in Indiana.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indiana is a regional manifestation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, serving 190 Disciples congregations located in Indiana. The Region helps congregations live out their unique call to mission and ministry by providing a variety of resources and services. The ministry and support staff work to build up ministry in local churches and to support and encourage church leaders.