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    Thursday, September 12, 2024

    Sunday, September 15, 2024




    Mark 7:27-38

    Sermon: Getting back in line
    Rev. Kyle Hunter

    Bulletin: Click HERE

    We continue the conversation this week with the Gospel of Mark. In our passage, Jesus asks his disciples a very direct question. Who do you say that I am? We hear a chorus of replies until Peter offers that Jesus is the Messiah. Immediately Jesus tells them to tell no one, just like we heard last week. The main question for us is, who do we say that Jesus is, and how does that transform what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Peter thinks he has the next right answer, only to be sternly rebuked by Jesus in front of the other disciples. Where are the places that we are out of line with the one that we call the Messiah? Are we willing to fall back in line, picking up our crosses, following The One who leads us to eternal life? See you in church as we dig into what this means and more.



    Access a live stream of the services on Sunday by clicking HERE.
    The first video listed will be the live stream
    and will have a red box beside it that states "Live Now".


    This group normally meets every Monday at noon in the Bethany Room of the church.  You can also join by Zoom.

    Please contact the church office for the Zoom link information.


    Jumpstart Information (click here)


    Speedway Christian Church Mission Statement

    Believing that Jesus is the Christ, Speedway Christian Church’s mission
    is to celebrate that God has given us unique gifts to serve
    our congregation, our community and the world.



